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Nursing foundation laboratory covers 2500 sq. ft area as per the norms of INC. it is created to help the students to develop and understanding the philosophy, objective, theories and process of nursing in various clinical settings. It aimed at helping the students to acquire knowledge, understanding and develop skill in techniques of nursing procedures and practice them in clinical setting. For which we have well equipped lab with 10 beds, 8 manikins for performing and practice of various nursing procedures.


Institution has midwifery and child Health Nursing Laboratory. It covers the area of 1500 sq. ft as per the Indian nursing council regulatory body. This laboratory is designed for students to appreciate the concepts and principles of midwifery and obstetrical nursing. It helps students to acquire knowledge and skills in rendering nursing service to normal and high-risk pregnant women to antenatal and postnatal periods in hospital and community settings and also modern approach to child care, identification, prevention and nursing management of common health problems of new born and children. It also helps to develop skills in managing normal and high-risk neonates and participate in family welfare programmes. This laboratory provide first-hand experience in assessment of antenatal case, intra natal case, post natal case, neonatal assessment and demonstration of nursing care and handling problems accordingly. Institution has total 27 different highly effective models and 6 mannequins of mother and baby. Students are taught different procedures in MCH laboratory before going to clinical areas. This lab provides solid foundation for paediatric and midwifery nursing i.e., first-hand experience to handling neonates and children with the help of simulated model (manikins) and also performing related nursing procedures, before going to actual clinical settings.


Institution has community health nursing and nutrition lab which covers the area of 2500 sq. ft. It is designed for the students to develop an understanding of the recent modern approach to appreciate the principles of promotion and maintain of health and also identification, prevention and management of common health problems in collaboration with community health team and members of the family and also with community leader, This laboratory, equipped with community bags, for learning bag techniques, and various audio visual aids related to community health concern, Institution has all the articles to make proper food and variety dishes.


The pre-clinical science laboratory covers 1500 sq. Ft. area which is designed with the purpose of helping the students to acquire knowledge of the normal structure and function of various human body systems and to identify any deviation from normal health in order to render effective nursing care. The aim of the laboratory is to educate the students to understand the normal body parts with use of models; specimens etc. and to co relate its function. This will enhance the student’s ability to understand the various disease conditions.

The pre-clinical science lab consists of all the equipment such as adult human articulated skeleton, adult skull, pelvic, heart with large blood vessels, eye with different section, ear with different section, full set of dis articulated adult human skeleton, specimen like face, small and large intestine, skin, heart, liver and different charts of all the systems.

The lab is well furnished in such a way that the students are able to acquire their knowledge through their different demonstration.


Institution has separate computer laboratory for students in the area of 1500 sq. ft. to develop basic understandings of the use of computers and its applications in nursing. The laboratory is Well-equipped computer with LAN internet facility. Entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled, facilitating students to access internet 24X7.