Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Together we are stronger.
Alumni Meet

The Objectives of the Alumni Association shall be:

  1. To provide a vibrant forum that promotes interaction and networking among alumni of the University.
  2. To help alumni achieve their professional and societal goals.
  3. To contribute to the University’s vision of being recognized among the world’s leading institutions/Universities in academics, research, outreach, and innovation.
  4. To function on charitable basis, and to run the Association on ‘no profit no loss’ basis.
  5. To promote best practices in different areas of science, technology, humanities and social sciences for the benefit of the society, especially weaker sections.
  6. To create awareness about the University and its alumni in the public.
  7. To assist deserving students from the sections of the society financially and otherwise.
  8. To provide financial support to the University and its programs.
  9. To develop alumni programs that foster fellowship among alumni and encourage the physical, moral, and spiritual growth of the University.
  10. To Assist the University in the growth of its academic, administrative, cultural, and extracurricular activities.
  11. Patron:

The Chancellor of the Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh shall be the ex-officio Patron of the Association.

Governing Body
Alumni Association Designation
President Chancellor
Vice- President Vice-Chancellor
Finance Officer Finance Head of DBU
Member Secretary Dean student affairs
Four Invited member Faculty of the University
Executive committee

“Ex-off” means Ex-officio member.

Alumni Association Designation Representative
Chairman Dean Students Affair(Ex-off)
President Student Representative
Vice President Student Representative
General Secretary Student Representative
Executive Member Student Representative ( 3)
Treasure Account’s Officer DBU (Ex-off)
Invited Members Students Representatives (3)
Member Secretary Chief Faculty Hostel Warden (Ex-off)
ROSM members ROSM (representative of student members)



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