Message from HOD
January 6, 2023 2023-01-06 5:23Message from HOD
Message from HOD
Message from Head – Department of Electrical Engineering
I am incredibly honoured and privileged to head this distinguished institution’s Electrical Engineering Department. Due to its recent acceptance and acknowledgment by all businesses and academic institutions, Electrical Engineering (EE) is currently in the lead, giving our students the confidence they need to successfully compete with all other competitive fields. It imparts quality education in multifarious disciplines of Electrical, Communication, Control Engineering, etc. along with generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power and a set of subjects specially focusing on the performance and design of DC, AC and Special Electric Machines. The inborn talents of our students are carefully developed by highly skilled instructors and dedicated faculty in order to meet the department’s goals and objectives. Our department has a number of laboratories with the most recent technical setups, offering each student the chance to gain first-hand experience on their own. This will give them more confidence to tackle real-world issues in the field of electrical engineering.
In addition to the usual curriculum, the department works to foster intellectual prodigies in the students. The department organises a variety of student centric activities through its departmental club, the Faraday Club, including workshops, technical training sessions, displays of student projects, guest lectures by academic and industrial experts, and seminars for students. We continue to be leaders in our field, which motivates us to provide a creative, successful, and vibrant professional graduate community that fosters lifelong learning.
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