World Radiography Day celebrated at Desh Bhgat University
November 8, 2022 2023-02-13 17:30World Radiography Day celebrated at Desh Bhgat University

World Radiography Day celebrated at Desh Bhgat University
On November 8, the World celebrated World Radiography Day. This is after the discovery of X-rays by German scientist Sir Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen in 1895, which saw the completion of the discovery of X-radiation, or X-rays. For this accomplishment, he was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
Paratopia Club, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, organized World Radiography Day. The event was initiated with a floral welcome of the chief guest, Honorable Chancellor Dr. Zora Singh, and Pro-chancellor Dr. Tajinder Kaur, by Dr. H.K. Sidhu. It was followed by traditional lamp lighting and the DBU anthem. Thereafter, Dr. H.K. Sidhu formally welcomed the chief guests and other dignitaries. Ms. Puspha, Assistant Professor of Radiology, presented a presentation focusing on the history and significance of the day. Students actively participated in a number of events, including solo song, group dance, solo dance, modeling, and poetry. The honourable chancellor Dr. Zora Singh expressed his gratitude to the teachers and students and told them that the day of radiography was significant because the discovery of x-rays has numerous medical uses, including both diagnosis and therapy. Finally, Dr. Ashutosh Pathak, a professor in the faculty of allied health sciences, gave a vote of gratitude and encouraged everyone to work diligently and clearly on each idea. The ceremony was concluded with the National Anthem.