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NOTE:The candidates who qualify the entrance test will be included in the pool of candidates for M.Phil/Ph.D. Their candidature will remain valid for two Academic sessions i.e. up to the date of M.Phil/Ph.D. entrance test to be held after two years. A candidate having passed M.Phil/Ph.D. entrance test is required to do the course work of one semester (6 months duration) in the concerned subject in the University. The Course work would include THREE papers, to be decided by the Research Boards for the respective subjects/ disciplines (Out of Three papers, one paper may be on “Subject Specific” other Research Methodology and  RPE Research publications & Ethics). On completion of the course work, he/she will be assigned a supervisor.

Enrolment, Registration and Award of Degree of M.Phil and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Various Faculties of Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh (Punjab)

The M.Phil /Ph.D. Programme

These ordinances will come into force with immediate effect. Nothing in these ordinances shall be deemed to debar the University from amending these ordinances and any other amended ordinance, if any and the same shall apply to all students who got enrolled/registered from June, 2016.

The Salient Features

  • Admission shall be mainly based on Entrance Test, Qualifying Examination percentage & interview, duly following the merit – cum – reservation policy of Punjab govt.
  • Only the predetermined number of students shall be admitted to the Programmes which may vary from year to year.
  • Allocation of Guide for a selected student shall be decided by the concerned Department in a formal manner depending upon the number of students per faculty member, the available specialization among the faculty guides and research interest of the students as indicated during interview by the student.
  • Research Scholars will have to study the prescribed course work at the University shall be treated as pre-Ph.D. Course.
  • Research work may be carried out either on full – time basis or on part – time basis.
  • Thesis shall be examined by the Board of Examiners consisting of at least two examiners out of which at least one shall be from outside the Region i.e. Punjab, Haryana, J & K, H.P, Chandigarh and Delhi.
  • D Programmes shall NOT be conducted through Distance Education Mode.
  • A candidate admitted to M.Phil Programme may at any time before the submission of his/her thesis , request the concerned Head of the Department for conversion of his/her admission/enrolment from M.Phil to Ph.D programme. Such a request shall be forwarded to the Dean Research and shall be ratified by faculty research board, if a seat is available.
  • A candidate admitted to Ph.D programme will not be allowed to convert his registration into M.Phil programme.
  • These Regulations of Ph.D are also applicable to M.Phil.

For M.Phil

  • A./M.Sc./M.Com./Master’s Degree with atleast 55% marks. A relaxation of 5% marks would be given to SC/ST and Physically Challenged /Disabled candidates.

For Ph.D.

A candidate seeking admission to Ph.D. programme must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Master’s degree in the concerned/allied subject (as determined by the Departmental Research Board) with atleast 55% marks or B+ grade at Master’s Degree (SC/ST and physically challenged/disabled candidates will get 5% relaxation in post-graduation marks).


  • Phil Degree with B+ or equivalent grade.


  • A person whose M.Phil dissertation has been evaluated and the viva voce is pending may be admitted to the Ph.D programme of the same institution

NOTE: If a candidate is awarded grade in M.Phil ,but the grading pattern of the M.Phil, awarding University is different from that applicable in Desh Bhagat University, then the Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) of the candidate will be converted into percentage of marks applying the following formula.

x= Total Points

If the percentage so obtained is 55% or more, then the candidate’s grade will be considered as B+ grade for the purpose of admission to Ph.D. programme.

Admission Procedure:
  • The university shall notify the M.Phil/Ph.D. programme mentioning number of seats available under each subject and the schedule of Entrance Test through a notification published in leading newspapers / website twice in a year.
  • The candidate shall apply for admission in the M.Phil/Ph.D programme in the prescribed form to Dean Research.
  • The applications of the candidates shall be scrutinized by the M.Phil/Ph.D. enrolment Committee headed by Dean Research.
  • Candidate shall be admitted on the basis of merit list prepared through Entrance test marks, marks obtained in the qualifying examination and interview as per the guidelines framed by the University from time to time based on UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D Degree) Regulations 2016.
  • At the time of admission, the University will follow National/ State Reservation policy. The candidate shall be admitted to PhD Programme either directly or indirectly after doing M.Phil.
Direct Admission

Those candidates who qualify UGC-NET /CSIR (JRF) Examination/ SLET/GATE/ or are Teacher Fellowship holders or DST (INSPIRE /ICMR / Any other National Agency Fellow or have Ph.D degree in any subject are exempted from appearing in entrance test. The selection of these candidates will be based on their performance in the interview as well as their overall Academic Merit.

Through M.Phil.

For candidates seeking admission to Ph.D. programme after M.Phil. course, following criteria will be applicable:

  • Candidates who have obtained M.Phil. degree with minimum B+ grade or equivalent from Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh or any other recognized University as a regular student and whose admission at the M.Phil level has been through an entrance test, are exempted from appearing in the entrance test for Ph.D. Programme.
  • Candidates who have obtained M.Phil. from other universities through Distance Education or had joined M.Phil without entrance Test will have to appear in the entrance test and qualify the test and will have complete the course work as per rule.

NOTE:The candidates who qualify the entrance test will be included in the pool of candidates for M.Phil/Ph.D. Their candidature will remain valid for two Academic sessions i.e. up to the date of M.Phil/Ph.D. entrance test to be held after two years. A candidate having passed M.Phil/Ph.D. entrance test is required to do the course work of one semester (6 months duration) in the concerned subject in the University. The Course work would include THREE papers, to be decided by the Research Boards for the respective subjects/ disciplines (Out of Three papers, one paper may be on “Subject Specific” other Research Methodology). On completion of the course work, he/she will be assigned a supervisor.

Entrance Test And Selection
Entrance Test

The Entrance Test shall have the following four components ( Total weight age 100 points):

  • Research Methodology (weight age 50%)
  • Respective Subject Content Knowledge (weight age 50%)

The nature of the Test shall be MCQ type.
The component (a) shall have questions on testing

  • analytical ability,
  • reasoning ability
  • research aptitude and
  • research related information.

Each sub-component shall have equal weight age.
Questions in components (b) & (c) shall pertain to functional skills aiming at testing the basic knowledge of the candidate in the respective areas.

Component (d) shall be based on the syllabi of ‘core’ courses/papers studied at the Master s’ level in the concerned subject.

The question paper will be of 2 Hour duration.

The University shall maintain the list of all the M.Phil/ Ph.D registered on its website on year wise basis.


Candidates who successfully pass the Entrance Test will be invited for personal interview. At the time of interview, candidates are expected to discuss their research interest / area with the interview board. Interview is essential for the Ph.D programmes. It will be in the form of Interaction.

Selection Criteria For Enrolment

The inter-se merit of candidates appearing in test will be made on the basis of merit, calculated as per the following criteria:

  • Weight age to marks in Master Programme : 25%
  • Weight age to marks in M.Phil Programme : 05%
  • Weight age to marks in entrance test : 50%
  • Weight age to interview : 20%
  • Only the pre-determined number of students, based upon the available approved research supervisors [with concerned specialization /research interest] will be selected for admission to Ph.D. and the list of successful candidates shall be released. The result of the test will remain valid for subsequent 2 consecutive years.

All candidates will have to pay fees as prescribed by the University from time to time for various purposes for M.Phil/Ph.D. degree.

Procedure For Enrolment For Course Work

The eligible candidates can enrol themselves for Ph.D. degree by filling up the Enrolment Form. The candidates who are required to do the Ph.D. Course work as per rules will fill up the forms by the stipulated date in order to join the course work. The candidates who are exempted from doing the Ph.D. course work as per rules can enrol themselves for Ph.D. degree all the year round by filling up the Enrolment Form.

Course Work For M.Phil/Ph.D. Programme

The candidate qualifying the entrance test or those who are exempted from entrance test will have to pass Ph.D. course work before registration in the Ph.D. programme of the University.

  • In case of M.Phil. pass candidates, following conditions will be applicable for course work:
    Candidates who have passed M.Phil. degree with minimum B+ grade as regular student from Desh Bhagat University, Mandigobindgarh or any other recognized University and have done equivalent course work in M.Phil Programme are exempted from doing Ph.D. course work for getting registered to Ph.D. Programme.
  • Course work will be exempted for those who have completed Ph.D .degree with course work in any subject from any recognized University.
Structure and Duration of M.Phil/Ph.D. Course Work

There shall be two models for M.Phil/Ph.D. course work:

  • Statistical Model and
  • Non- Statistical Model

The course work will consist of the following:

  • Paper 1 Research Methodology, Review of Literature and Elementary Statistics & Non
  • Statistical model 5 credits
  • Paper 2 Core/Compulsory subject of the Discipline 5 credits
  • Paper 3 RPE Research publications & Ethics 2 credits
  • Total 12 credits

The course work will consist of the following:

  • Paper 1 Research Methodology, Review of Literature and Elementary Statistics & Non Statistical model 7 credits
  • Paper 3 Core/Compulsory subject of the Discipline 7 credits
  • Paper 4 Seminar/Power Point presentation 2 credits
  • Total 16 credits
  • * M.Phil/ Ph.D scholar has to obtain a minimum of 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the UGC 7- point scale in the course work.
Duration of the programme
  • Phil programme shall be for a minimum duration of 2 consecutive semesters/ one year and a maximum of 4 consecutive semesters/ two year.
  • D programme shall be for a minimum duration of three years , including course work and a maximum of six years.
  • Extension beyond the above limits will be governed by the relevant clauses as stipulated in the statute/ ordinance of the University.
  • The women candidates and persons with disability may be allowed a relaxation of one year for M.Phil and two years for Ph.D in the maximum duration. The women candidates may be provided maternity leave/ child care leave once in the entire duration of M.Phil/ Ph.D for upto 240 days.
Course Structure And Dissertation For M.Phil Programme

The M.Phil course in the first semester shall consist of the papers prescribed for Ph.D in the concerned subject and Dissertation in the second semester. Dissertation/ Thesis is given either satisfactory/ unsatisfactory Seminar on Dissertation will be presented by a Candidate in the form of Pre-submission seminar in the respective department, before submitting dissertation, based on extended abstract to be submitted in 5 hard copies & 2 CDs . The purpose of the seminar is to enable the candidate to discuss his findings and the basis for the same. The M.Phil Scholar is required to publish at least one research paper before final submission


A candidate admitted to Ph.D. Course Work must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Has been on the rolls of the Department throughout the semester preceding the examination.
  • Has attended a minimum of 75% of the number of lectures delivered, seminars, interactive sessions, tutorials etc in each paper.
  • The shortage in the attendance of lectures by the candidate can only be condoned as per rules made by the University from time to time.
Medium of Instruction and Examination

The medium of instruction and examination shall be English. For language subjects, the medium shall be the language concerned. For teaching of languages, the concerned language can be adopted as a medium of instruction / examination and thesis.

Approval of Syllabus

Outline of tests, syllabi and courses of reading shall be prepared and finalized by the concerned Department Research Committee. It will be approved by the Academic Council.

Continuous Assessment and Final University Examination :

In each paper except Seminar/Power point presentation, 50% weightage will be given to continuous assessment or sessional work which will consist of two house tests (30%), one assignment (10%), and one class seminar (10%). Out of two MST’stests, average of twowill be considered. 55%weightage in each paper will be given to final University examination. Eligibility for M.Phil/Ph.D Course Work candidates to appear in University Examination The minimum number of lectures delivered will be 90 per paper. Each lecture will be of one hour duration. Each paper will carry 100 marks. Only those candidates will be allowed to appear in the University examination who satisfy the following requirements:

  • Have been on the rolls of Department concerned throughout the semester preceding the examination.
  • Have earned a minimum B grade or 50 % marks in the sessional work.
  • Have attended not less than 75% of the total lectures delivered in each paper (theory/practical/tutorials/seminars etc), separately.
Compilation of Results

The result of Course Work (separately for internal assessment and Final University Examination) shall be compiled in terms of Marks.

  • Minimum Requirement to Pass Ph.D Course Work:
  • A candidate shall be required to earn atleast 55% marks in each paper in order to pass the course work. The Candidate getting marks in the Course Work lower than the prescribed marks can improve his/ her performance by reappearing in the Course work paper(s) of his/her choice. For this, he/she shall be provided only one chance to appear in the subsequent Improvement examination.
Declaration of Result:

The Controller of Examinations shall publish a list of candidates who have passed the Ph.D. Course Work examination and issue detailed marks certificate, indicating the marks obtained by the candidate separately in internal assessment (session work), and final University examination. No formal degree will be awarded to the candidates for passing Ph.D. Course Work. Only a certificate to this effect shall be issued, if requested/needed.

Eligibility and Appointment of Supervisor

The University will allocate the supervisor who is the regular faculty/ scientist of Desh Bhagat University holding Ph.D. degree and having published research work such as books or research papers in Research journals. He is also required to have evidence of carrying out some research work at present.

The Vice Chancellor, at anytime, on the recommendation of the Department Research Board (DRB), shall be empowered to withdraw the supervisor of a research student. But DRB can make such a recommendation only on the grounds of:

  • moral turpitude and / or
  • plagiarism, and/or
  • any act harming the interest of the University/Students.

If necessary, Co-supervisor may be appointed from within the same Department or of a different Department of the same University. However, a written justification for having a Co-supervisor will accompany the application duly recommended by the Department Research Board. Only such expert may be proposed as Co-supervisor who has a Ph.D

The following is the upper limit regarding the number of candidates who can be registered for Ph.D. Degree with a Supervisor/Co-supervisor.

  • Lecturer/Assistant Professor – 4
  • Reader/Associate Professor – 6
  • Professor – 8

A candidate holding UGC-CSIR (NET) JRF and enrolled/registered under Lecturer/Assistant Professor or Reader/Associate Professor will be over and above the prescribed limit of the respective teacher as stated above. Each supervisor shall be allowed to supervise one additional sponsored foreign student having valid Research Visa for doing Ph.D under the ICCR/ other Academic exchange Programme of the Government.

The supervisors can be appointed till the date of retirement or till the date of expiry of the re-employment and in exceptional cases even beyond that date.

  • Provided further that no relative of the candidate such as wife, husband, son, daughter, sister, brother, wife’s or husband’s brother and sister, brother’s son and daughter, sister’s son and daughter, first cousin, nephew, grand -son, grand-daughter, or such other person as might be deemed a close relation by the Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed as Supervisor/Co-Supervisor. A certificate to this effect will be given by the Supervisor/Co-supervisor along with the application for enrolment.
  • Normally request of the candidate regarding the choice of Supervisor or a Co-Supervisor will be accepted. However, in case, the Department Research Board does not agree with it, then the Board’s report along with the reasons and the entire issue regarding the appointment of Supervisor/Co-Supervisor will be finally decided by the Vice-Chancellor.
  • If a candidate wishes to change the supervisor before the expiry of two years after registration, he/she would submit an application to the Dean Research through Head of the Department giving reasons thereof for such a change. This will be examined by a committee consisting of the following:
    Dean Academic Affairs (Chairperson)ii. Dean Researchiii. Dean of the Faculty / Director of the Schooliv. Head of the Department
  1. Two Professors to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.

vii. If any one of the above is a Supervisor or Co –supervisor, or proposed Supervisor or Co-supervisor, he/she will not be a member of the above committee.

viii. If a candidate wants to change the supervisor after expiry of two years, his application will be referred by the Dean Research to the Vice Chancellor with recommendation for final decision.

Registration For Ph.D

Submission and Presentation of Synopsis for Ph.D. Registration

  • The candidate will submit his application for registration on the prescribed form within six months of enrolment if the candidate is exempted from doing Ph.D. Course work or within three months from the date of declaration of result of Ph.D . Course work, if the candidate has taken admission to Ph.D. Course Work. This period may be extended upto a further period of three months on payment of the prescribed fee.
  • Copies of the Synopsis for registration for Ph.D. Degree will be provided to the members of Department Research Board in advance to the date of presentation of seminar. It is understood that all deficiencies/improvements to be made in the synopsis will be settled in the meeting of Department Research Board.
  • The candidate will submit required number of hard copies of synopsis ( assuggested by Research Office) giving brief outlines indicating the purpose/objective of the research, review of literature, general approach and/or research methodology to be used, tentative plan of work/chapter scheme, bibliography, major hypothesis, tentative title of the work, whether published or unpublished and anticipated findings etc. of the proposed Research work. The date of registration for Ph.D. degree will be considered
  • either as the date of presenting the synopsis before the DRB or the date of passing of Ph.D. Course Work, whichever is later.
  • The candidate shall be required to present synopsis pertaining to Registration on the topic of his/her study in the presence of Department Research Board to which other teachers of the Department / Faculty and Research Supervisor of the candidate may also be invited.
  • Those candidates who are exempted from Ph.D. Course Work shall be registered for Ph.D. Degree from the date of approval of seminar before the Department Research Board.
  • The Department Research Board while recommending registration of the candidate for consideration of Faculty Research Board (FRB) shall send a detailed note about the suitability of the topic as also the Research Methodology proposed by the candidate. The note shall include the names of the members of faculty present at the meeting, the duration of the presentation, discussion and its final outcome. The Research Supervisor would be required to give specific comments on the synopsis submitted by the candidate. In case the Department Research Board does not approve the topic, the case will be referred to FRB, giving detailed report with reasons thereof for its final decision. After the date of URB meeting is fixed and a cut off date is circulated by the Dean Research to the Heads of the Departments, no cases of registration will normally be entertained in that scheduled meeting of URB.
  • Immediately after approval of the topic for Ph.D, it will be registered in the name of particular candidate and the letter to that effect will be issue to the candidate with in one week by the Research Cell.
  • The period of synopsis submission and presentation may be extended upto further a period of three months on payment of the prescribed fee
Topic Modification

A candidate may within one year of his/her registration modify the title /scheme of his/her subject with the approval of the Department Research Board. Provided that the FRB may allow modification to be made in the scheme /title of subject even after one year, if in the considered opinion of the board, the modification proposed did not involve any major change in the original scheme and scope of the subject.

Submission of Progress Report

A candidate whose topic has been registered for Ph.D. degree shall be required to submit six monthly progress report to the Research Cell.

Pre-submission of Ph.D Thesis
  • Prior to submission of the thesis, the students shall make a pre- Ph. D. presentation in theDepartment that shall be open to all faculty members and research students, for getting feedback and comments, which may be suitably incorporated into the draft thesis under the guidance of the supervisor.
  • The Ph. D. candidates shall publish at least two research paper in a refereed journal /patent before the submission of the thesis for evaluation, and produce the evidence for the same in the form of acceptance letter or the reprint of the paper.
Submission Of Thesis

A thesis to be presented by the candidate must be a piece of original research work characterized either by the discovery of new facts or by fresh interpretation of facts or theories or should consist of applied work such as developing and fabricating special instruments or apparatus and should show the candidate’s capacity for critical examination and judgment and for lucid presentation.

The candidate will not be permitted to submit his thesis for the degree unless his supervisor is satisfied that the thesis presented is worthy of presenting/submitting before the examiners for the evaluation for the award of the Ph.D. Degree. In case of an adverse report of the Supervisor, the candidate may make a representation to the Vice -Chancellor.

Every candidate may inform the office of Dean Research through a letter forwarded by his supervisor and the Head of the Department concerned that he/she intends to submit his/her thesis within a period of three months along with four hard and one soft copy of extended abstracts of the thesis. The office of Dean Research would then process the application and take steps for the appointment of panel of Examiners and obtain acceptance from the concerned Examiners, before the expiry of three months.

A candidate shall submit the Ph.D. Thesis not later than three months from the date of presentation of pre-submission seminar.

In case of non-submission of thesis within the stipulated period, the candidate can seek extension of time from the Dean, Research on payment of prescribed late fee.

A candidate is required to apply in writing to the Head of the Department that he/she is in a position to submit his/her thesis and give a pre -submission seminar. The Head of the Department will conduct such a seminar at the earliest but not later than 30 days from the date of application. In case, the presentation is not organized within 30 days from the date of application, the candidate may approach Dean, Research who will ensure that needful is done without any further delay.

At the time of submission of Ph.D. thesis by the candidate, he /she will have to produce evidence of having at least two research paper published or accepted for publication in refereed Journals/ patent related to his topic on which he has been registered for Ph.D. Degree and out of the academic work included in the thesis. At the time of submission of Ph.D. thesis by the candidate, a certificate will be submitted by the candidate that the thesis is a piece of original and bonafide research work of the candidate, no portion of the thesis is taken from any book or research paper without quoting the references to the book or research paper and no portion is copied or plagiarized from any book or research paper without proper reference.

A similar certificate shall also be given by the supervisor/ co-supervisor as the case may be.

If there is a complaint by the External Examiner or by anyone else of plagiarism or copying of certain portions in the Ph.D./M.Phil. thesis or Project Reports of other examinations, such complaints will be examined by a committee consisting of :

  • Dean Academic Affairs (Chairperson)
  • Dean Research
  • Dean of the Faculty / Director of the School
  • Concerned Head of the Department
  • Controller/Additional Controller, Examinations
  • Two Professors from the same or allied Faculty to be nominated by the Vice – Chancellor

If any one of the above members is a supervisor or co-supervisor, he will not be a member of the above committee.

If plagiarism or copying of any kind is established, the quantum of punishment depending upon the nature and extent of copying/ plagiarism, to be recommended by the committee, can be any one or more of the following:

  • The candidate may be asked to revise and resubmit the Thesis/Project Report after deleting the plagiarized/ copied parts from the text of the thesis.
  • The Thesis/Project Report may be altogether rejected.
  • The candidate may be debarred from appearing in any University Examination for a period upto 5 years and the supervisor may also be debarred from supervising any candidate of Ph.D./M.Phil./Project Report for a similar period.
Period Required For Submission of Thesis
  • The candidate shall submit his/her thesis within three years from the date of
  • enrolment for the course work or within two years from the date of Registration of his/her topic for Ph.D.
  • The candidate shall submit four hard copies and four CDs of the thesis to the Thesis Evaluation Cell.
  • The minimum period required for submission of thesis is two years after registration.
  • The Registration of candidates who fail to submit their thesis within the stipulated period as above or who fail to apply for grant of extension under Ordinance 13 would automatically stand cancelled.
  • Heads of the Departments while forwarding a Ph.D. thesis to the office of the Dean Research for evaluation will ensure that the candidate submits a copy of “No Dues Certificate” complete in all respects including that of Department, Research Branch, Library, Hostel/Dean Students Welfare and Accounts Section. A Ph.D. Thesis not accompanied by the “No Dues Certificate” will not be accepted in the thesis section(except for teachers and employees who are on the pay-rolls of Desh Bhagat University)
Extension in Period/ Condonation of Delay

At least three months before the expiry of three years, a candidate seeking extension will submit a Comprehensive Progress Report of the work done by him, along with the required fee to the Head of the Department through the Supervisor and will appear before the Comprehensive Report Review Committee (CRRC) chaired by the Dean of the Faculty ( Dean Research in the absence of Dean of the Faculty), which will review the Comprehensive Progress Report and will recommend/reject extension for a period upto one year. These cases will be forwarded to Vice-Chancellor for approval. The extension can be granted only upto 2 years but one year at a time.

Condonation of Delay

After six years, a candidate can seek condonation of delay for sixth and seventh year from the Vice-Chancellor by paying the required fee. No extension or condonotion of delay will be allowed after 6 years. In addition to the required fee for extension/ condonation, a candidate shall have to pay the prescribed late fees if the candidate does not apply for extension/ condonation within a month from the date of expiry of relevant time period. The late fee shall be chargeable from one month after the expiry of three years for the extension of 4th& 5th years and after the expiry of five years for the condonation of delay of sixth and seventh years. The total period of submission of Ph.D thesis, shall in no case exceed six years. No extension/ condonation of delay for the submission of the thesis shall be allowed beyond the period of seven years. The same shall also apply to re-registration applications.

Panel of Examiners

An Examiner’s Panel Committee (EPC) would submit a panel of minimum of ten examiners, at least 50% of whom will be from within the region i.e., Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Chandigarh and Delhi and 50% from outside the region including foreign countries indicating the full particulars about their designation, area of specialization and addresses etc. for the evaluation of the thesis. The Vice -Chancellor will appoint two examiners from the panel and at least one of them would be from outside the region except in the case of thesis submitted in Punjabi medium.

The persons recommended for evaluation of the thesis should invariably be of Professor or of equivalent rank. If an Examiner of the rank of Professor is not available in a subject, the Vice Chancellor be authorized to look into the matter and take an appropriate action. For the subject of Law, Judges of High Court/Supreme Court could also be appointed.

In case of retired persons, their last designation shall be indicated without which the panel would be considered incomplete.

Provided that in the subject where the thesis is written in Punjabi medium and Punjabi knowing examiners of Professor’s rank are not available from outside the region, all the examiners could be taken from within the region.

The Examiner’s Panel Committee (EPC) will record a certificate to this effect that sufficient Punjabi knowing examiners of Professor’s rank are not available from outside the region.

The examiner will be free to seek clarification on any matter from candidate’s supervisor or the co-supervisor through the Dean Research. The Dean Research will ensure the secrecy of examiner’s identity. The examiner after due evaluation of thesis will state in his/her report:

  • Whether he/she recommends the award of the degree to the candidate after holding viva-voce examination.
  • Whether he/she recommends resubmission of the thesis after revision. In case an examiner recommends revision of the thesis he/she will also indicate the nature of changes required to be made in the thesis.
  • Whether he/she recommends rejection of thesis.
  • A list of questions that he/she would like the candidate to answer in the viva -voce examination is to be supplied in a separate cover.
  • Whether he/she recommends that the thesis is fit for publication or not. If fit for publication then with or without changes. If with changes, the nature & extent of changes be stated.

In the event of an examiner making recommendations for revision/modification of the thesis, the candidate shall be free to defend his/her point of view through the Dean Research, if he so desires. However, if the examiner is not satisfied with the candidate’s defence, the candidate shall be required to carry out necessary revision/modification as finally suggested by the examiner before his/her case is processed further. It may be added that an Examiner can recommend revision of thesis only once. If a second revision is recommended by the same External Examiner, then it will be treated as rejection of thesis.

The candidate who is required to resubmit the thesis, must do so within one year from the date of supply of comments of the examiner to him/her by the University irrespective of his/her submission of defence unless extension is specially granted by the Vice -Chancellor. A re-submitted thesis will be examined by the examiner who had recommended re -submission unless he/she himself/herself is unable to do so or declines to do so.

In the event of one of the examiners recommending the award of the degree and the second examiner recommending rejection of the thesis; with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor, the thesis shall be referred to a third examiner to be appointed by the Vice -Chancellor from out of the original panel of examiners. The third examiner shall not be informed of the recommendations of the two examiners. The recommendations of those two examiners who submit similar recommendations shall be final. This procedure shall also be followed if the examiner who has suggested modification rejects the revised thesis. Each examiner shall be given one month’s time for the evaluation of thesis.

In case report from him/her is not received, he/she may be reminded telephonically. After the expiry of a period of three months, if no report is received, the next examiner may be appointed. The first examiner will be requested to send the thesis back. If in due course, the report is received from the first examiner, the report will not be considered.

Gist of Reports

The reports of examiners (excluding the questions suggested for the viva-voce) will be opened in the Screening Committee meeting. The Screening Committee will prepare a gist of the reports of the examiners and the Dean of the Faculty (Dean Research in the absence of Dean Faculty) will send the gist of reports within two weeks. These will be placed before the Vice-Chancellor for decision regarding the conduct of viva-voce examination and the appointment of one of the examiners will be made by Vice- Chancellor in case of reports of both examiners are positive. The Screening Committee will point out the strengths and weaknesses, if any, in the reports. A copy of the report of Screening Committee without disclosing the names of the examiners will be provided to the candidate for carrying out necessary modifications including those of typing, references and factual errors etc. before the conduct viva -voce examination.

Viva-Voce Examination
  • Except in the case of a thesis, which is rejected, viva-voce shall be held in accordance with the rules prescribed in this behalf by the University. An open viva-voce shall be conducted for candidates whom both examiners have recommended for the award of Ph.D. degree.
  • The Viva-Voce examination shall primarily be designed to test the understanding of the candidate on the subject matter of the thesis, including research methodology employed, results, conclusions arrived at the level of competence in the field of study. The candidate shall also clarify the points raised by the examiners if any, in their reports.
  • The viva-voce examination will be of at least of 45 minutes duration and will be compulsory for all the candidates. This will normally be conducted at Mandi Gobindgarh by one of the two external examiners who have evaluated the thesis.
  • The Head of the Department and the Supervisor of the candidate will be associated with the conduct of the viva-voce to be arranged by the Head of the Department within one month of receipt of intimation about the same questions during Vive-Voce will be asked by the external examiner.
  • There will be a presentation preferably Power Point Presentation by the candidate for about 20 minutes before the committee consisting of, Dean of the Faculty, Head of the Department and Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor of the candidate. The entire Department/faculty would be invited to the viva-voce. The Dean Research if available will be Chairperson of the Committee. Questions during Viva-Voce will be asked by the external examiner only.
  • The quorum for holding the viva-voce Examination will be five members. The examiners may send, if they so desire, along with their reports, questions for use by the Board conducting the viva-voce (oral) examination.
  • In case an external examiner is unable to conduct a viva -voce, a set of questions will be obtained by the Dean Research which will be conducted by an examiner (3rd Examiner) appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. A copy of the thesis will be sent to the 3rd Examiner.
  • The report about the performance of the candidate in the viva -voce examination shall be recorded by the external examiner(s) only.
  • After completion of the Viva-Voce examination, the Chairperson of the Viva-Voce committee shall consolidate the recommendations for the award of Ph.D. Degree to the candidate.
Award of Degrees
  • If the two examiners of the thesis have recommended the award of the degree and the viva- voce examiner having satisfied himself on the basis of performance of the candidate in the oral examination, that the candidate has written the thesis himself, may recommend the award of the Ph.D degree to the Research Award Committee (RAC).
  • The RAC would consider the gist of reports prepared by the Screening Committee and the report of the examiner who has conducted the Viva -Voce examination (all the reports in original will be laid on the table for arriving at a decision with regard to the award of the degree).
  • A candidate whose thesis is “REJECTED” by the examiners, the registration will be cancelled & he may be registered again for the Ph. D degree with the same subject after he/she makes a written request to that effect.
  • The result of Ph.D. degree of a candidate is deemed to have been declared on the date of meeting of RAC where he is declared provisionally eligible for the award of degree which will be finally ratified by the Academic Council and approved by the Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar/Controller of Examination shall publish the result.
  • The Research Scholar whosoever is pursuing Ph.D under funded project or has been awarded Patent will be honoured with distinction in Ph.D
Depository with the University & Inflibnet
  • All Ph.D. candidates shall have to submit four hard bound copies of their Ph.D. thesis along with four separate CDs to the office of Dean Research before the conduct of Viva -Voce examination through their Supervisor and Head of the Departments. The office of Dean Research will send one CD to the University Library, one CD to INFLIBNET and one CD will be sent to University Computer Centre for uploading the Ph.D. thesis on the University website, after the meeting of Research Award Committee and notification of the Ph.D Degree by the University.
  • Depository with INFLIBNET, for hosting the same so as to make it accessible to all Institutions/Colleges
Supply of Reports

The reports of the examiners may be supplied to the candidate after declaration of the result without disclosing the identity of the examiners. The Ph.D thesis examiners be communicated that in case of acceptance of the thesis for the award of the degree to the candidate, the reports would be supplied to the candidate.

General Control

The department shall exercise disciplinary and general control over the research students and theirwork. Overall control will remain with Dean Research.


The thesis duly approved shall only be published with the permission of Vice -Chancellor and on the recommendation of the Thesis Publication Committee, provided that a request is made by the candidate within three years from the award of Ph.D. Degree. Applications received after three years will not ordinarily be entertained.


The composition of the committees and Board at the department/faculty level shall be as given below:

Department Research Board

  • Head of the Department (Chairperson) who holds the Ph.D degree or senior most teacher with Ph.D degree.
  • All Professors in the subject, employed in Desh Bhagat University
  • Readers/Associate Professors and Lecturers/Assistant Professors in the subject who hold Ph.D. Degree.
  • One/two teachers from allied/supporting departments to be nominated by the Dean, Academic Affairs
  • At least one subject expert from outside, especially where the Ph.D course work is to be finalized. The proceedings of Department Research Board containing the Ph.D course work will be placed before Academic Council for consideration and approval.
Faculty Research Board (FRB)

It shall consist of the following:

  • Vice-Chancellor (Chairperson)
  • The Dean, Academic Affairs
  • The Dean Research
  • The Dean of Faculty / Director of the School
  • All Professors and the Heads of University teaching departments in the Faculty provided further that Professors/Heads from only such departments as are engaged in imparting Post-Graduate instruction and doing research work shall be eligible for appointment as members.
  • Two experts from outside the University to be nominated by the Vice -Chancellor for two years.
  • The Supervisor of a candidate whose synopsis is to be considered for approval in the meeting of Faculty Research Board (FRB) should be present in the
  • concerned meeting of FRB, if he is not a member of FRB.
Examiners Panel Committee (EPC)
  • The Head of the Department (Chairperson) who holds a Ph.D degree/ senior most faculty member holding Ph.D degree.
  • All Professors in the Department
  • If there is no Professor other than Head of the Department or the Head of the Department is a Reader/Associate Professor, a Professor from an allied Subject/Department to be nominated by Vice-Chancellor.
  • Supervisor of the Candidate/ Co-Supervisor if any.
  • Where the quorum is incomplete, Vice-Chancellor may nominate one or two Professors from allied subject/department.
Screening Committee
  • The Dean of the Faculty (Chairperson)
  • The Head of the Department who holds a Ph.D degree/ senior most faculty member holding Ph.D degree.
  • The Supervisor of the Candidate / Co-Supervisor if any.
  • One or Two Professors from within the Faculty to be nominated by the Vice – Chancellor
  • Where quorum is incomplete, the Vice-Chancellor may nominate one or two Professors from relevant/allied subjects
Research Award Committee (RAC)
  • Vice-Chancellor (Chairperson)
  • Dean, Academic Affairs
  • Dean Research
  • Dean of the Faculty / Director of the School
  • All Heads of the Departments in the Faculty and one Professor from each department in the Faculty by rotation according to seniority for a term of two years.
  • Concerned supervisor / Co-Supervisor if any of the candidate.

The quorum for all the committees and the Boards provided herein unless specifically stated otherwise in the text shall be one third of the total strength with at least three persons including chairman/convener. In such cases, where Supervisor/Head of the Department/Dean of Faculty is the same person, one or two persons may be nominated by the Vice –Chancellor to meet with the quorum requirements.