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Institution's Innovation Council - IIC

About IIC

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has established ‘MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The primary mandate of MIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years.

MIC has envisioned encouraging creation of ‘Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs)’ across selected HEIs. A network of these IICs will be established to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campuses.

Major focus of IIC
  • To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem.
  • Start-up supporting Mechanism in HEIs.
  • Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework.
  • Establish Function Ecosystem for Scouting Ideas and Pre-incubation of Ideas.
  • Develop better Cognitive Ability for Technology Students.
Functions of IICs
  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bound fashion.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries.

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Institutional Innovation Council Desh Bhagat University

Desh Bhagat University has established Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) as per the guidelines of ‘MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ in the year 2020. The initiative was to create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem, start-up supporting mechanism, establish function ecosystem for scouting ideas and pre-incubation of ideas and to develop better cognitive ability for technology students.


“To provide platform to the innovative ideas of student and faculty that cater to corporate social responsibility so that they can flourish as a startup and foster an entrepreneurial culture in campus and contribute in the growth of National Economy”


“To develop management with required infrastructure that can enable students and faculty to think and design innovative thoughts to develop prototype with IPR standard with support of Start-up Ecosystem Enablers and help them to realize their potentials”

DBU IIC is actively involved in organizing and conducting seminars, workshops, field trips, project   exhibitions, entrepreneurship bootcamps, Idea competitions etc. for its students and faculties. DBU has collaborated with various startup ecosystem enablers such as MSME, PHDCCI, ASSOCHAM, EDII, IBM, NSIC, KVIC, Startup Punjab, DCI, District Employment Bureau, PSCST, KVK, ATMA and industries as Sportking, Mentorcart, Cheema Boilers, Prabhat Forging, S B enterprises, Taaran Industries etc to provide the deep insight information and support to the aspiring students / faculty. DBU is proactively working in creating an innovation ecosystem as well as mentoring and training students to acquire knowledge and learn to develop their aptitude to take on life challenges. The objectives of IIC have added to our vision of Entrepreneurship Innovation and Development.

Facilities and Infrastructure

The incubator set up in the campus of Desh Bhagat University is catering to the requirement of industry around and need of nearby villages. We extend necessary support to the small scale industries in villages to scale up their business and help them to reach digital platform for sale and increase connect in market for sale. University has been emphasizing on promoting women entrepreneurs that constitute a small percentage that needs to be encouraged for significant social and economic development and inclusive growth. We try to cater challenges faced by them and provide facilitator environment to contribute economic development. We offer programs to encourage women to take entrepreneurship as a career in their areas of interest. University is giving business opportunities by providing business plans, financial assistance and hand holding to setup a proper enterprise. In upcoming future University is working extensively to form self-help group to bring forward community entrepreneurs. Every year we attract startups at state level to exhibit their products and increase their connectivity to boost up their business.  After working in field of incubation with self-funded support since past 3 years we are receiving great positive response from local community and alumni of university. We have been trying to provide all necessities and connect to budding entrepreneurs to bring them forward by offering guidance and resources like connect to angel investors, venture capitalists and mentorship along with tangible resources such as accounting assistance, office space, legal guidance etc. For many entrepreneurs being a part of something larger has helped them to get their business to next level more smoothly. We as incubator have tried to provide a platform to generate idea and execute it successfully into an enterprise. Through offering business infrastructure in place we aid start-ups to focus on business and not on day to day responsibilities and procurement of basic requirements. Being a self-funded private university we need financial help and support to work more effectively and outreach more entrepreneurs and develop their businesses. As demand for entrepreneurship has risen we need to cater more resources to get going in setting of business enterprises and creating jobs in rural areas.

The dedicated infrastructure that university has for incubation is

  1. Ready-to-use office spaces
  2. R&D and testing labs
  3. Co working spaces
  4. Think tank areas as seminar halls
  5. Open green environment for think spaces
  6. Services such as legal, accounting, HR, IPR, etc.
  7. Facilities such as internet connectivity, electricity, water, security, etc
  8. Exhibition space for display of products

University has a dedicated space of 10000 sq ft for ventures with all basic facilities like Technology lab, meeting rooms, video conferencing facility, high bandwidth net/WIFI, co-working space, recreational facilities and display boards in and around campus, and in social media. We have 3D printing lab and incubators that are actively working on product development, skill development and business development. University has provided space under name Udhami Hub as a market space for exhibition of products that is open to the nearby villagers small scale startup entrepreneurs.

S.No. Description Space Proposed (sq ft.)
a Incubation Space (Cubicles) 6000
b Conference Room 800
c Meeting Rooms 1600
d Cafeteria 500
e Market space 1700
  Total 10600

The university has established Institute Innovation Council run by students and faculty as a team that has actively conducted outcome based activities including IPR awareness webinars, Bootcamps, Motivational lectures, startup schemes informative webinars, hand on training, management development programmes etc in association and collaboration with MSME, PHDCCI, ASSOCHAM, EDII, IBM, NSIC, KVIC, Startup Punjab, DCI, District Employment Bureau and PSCST.

During the activities and mentoring sessions the hard work of mentors paid back as we got successful in generating 4 business ideas and the start-ups are at pre incubation stage. The budding entrepreneurs have developed their prototype that is at a very nascent stage. Seven faculty members completed their foundation level training in Innovation Ambassador. The patent cell submitted around 35 patents out of which 19 got filed and 10 published. 4 start ups are established. University has established Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development campus cell known as IEDC MedTech and under it established small industry setup installing machines for flex printing, offset printing, Sanitary Napkin, Leaf Plate (duna) making, bakery set up, design set up, 3 D Printing Robotic lab and certain projects like biodegradable plastic, paddy straw generated oil, solar E Car, are in developing stage. The projects are installed with a vision to motivate students and provide them hand on training on these machines so that students can start their own venture. University has spent amount 50 lakhs on these projects. University under Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development campus (IEDC) has provided seed fund to students and have provided handholding in setting up of business. University has also introduced various courses like Management Development Programme, Block chain Management, Yoga Course, B Pharmacy, B Voc courses of Mechanical, plumbing, beauty and wellness to educate students followed by Implementation of NEP 2020.