December 21, 2022 2024-09-29 11:43Laboratory
Laboratories and Workshops
Horticulture Lab
Horticulture is the main stream that deals with producing vegetables and fruits that completes our basic requirement of food and nutrition. Department has equipped horticulture lab. In addition to basic knowledge in horticulture, with practical experience, students will be familiar with a wide range of subject matter including plant identification, propagation, controlled environment production, horticulture information retrieval system, pruning, and lawn care, plants for interior uses, and fruits and vegetables.
Plant Breeding And Genetics Lab
Plant Pathology lab deals providing basic knowledge about the
laboratory equipment and their working, culture media, procedures
necessary for sterilization, culturing of microorganisms. Student are
made familiar with the identification and growth of microorganisms in
Plant Pathology
Food science includes processing of agricultural food products. Lab aims to upgrade student to make safe, high quality food products that are profitable to all segments of agriculture. The laboratory experiments demonstrate some simple scientific principles that apply to food manufacturing and show the characteristics of some common foods.
Biochemistry Lab
This subject deals with the understanding of chemical processes associated with living cells at the molecular level. The lab provides controlled conditions in which experiments may be performed. The lab practices include evaluation of nutritive value of cereals, pulses, biochemistry of disease and pest resistance.
Soil Science Lab
The lab deals with the basic experiments that are used in the practice of
soil analysis. Student understand the importance of soil texture, its
nutritional value, soil management and field crop production. The lab is
well equipped with all basic equipment required for the testing of soil.
Entomology Lab
The subject deals with understanding the structure and function of insects and their role in agriculture. The lab is having all basic required equipment that are used for collection, analysis and storage of insects. Specimen present helps in understanding their morphological characters and life cycles.
Farm Machinery Lab & Workshop
The lab is well equipped with machines and tools. Students are given demonstration for working and repair of the machinery used in Agriculture
Agronomy Lab
The Lab has also equipment’s related to crop physiology. It includes sprayers, Weighing Balance, Brix meter , EC meter etc.
Agrometerology Observatory
The said observatory is equipped with latest equipment’s like rain gauge, Sunshine recorder, Anemometer ,soil thermometers . All are required for weather forecasting of a region.
Animal Science Lab
Students get practical exposure to all equipment’s like Brooder , Egg hatcher , vaccinators ,milk analysers , fat estimators, Feederetc concerned with dairy and livestock