Two special athletes from Punjab who got selected for the Special Olympics Berlin Games 2023 visited
May 25, 2023 2023-08-11 5:37Two special athletes from Punjab who got selected for the Special Olympics Berlin Games 2023 visited

Two special athletes from Punjab who got selected for the Special Olympics Berlin Games 2023 visited
Under the vision and blessings of the honorable chancellor sir and pro-chancellor mam, today two special athletes from Punjab who got selected for the Special Olympics Berlin Games 2023 visite the Desh Bhagat Dental College.

It was the honor for Desh Bhagat University and Our Honorable Advisor sir. Dr. Parmod Mandal Sir Controller of Examinations and Dr. Vikram Bali Principal. DBDC provide the best wishes to them for their further participation in the Berlin Special Olympics Games 2023.